Plan for the Weekend

Leon slept quite well last night! He woke up at midnight for a dream feed but after that he slept till 7am, so I decided to give my husband a well-deserved lie in.

We have nothing planned this weekend, but I want to have a go at spray painting the mirror in Leon’s room to fit with the monochrome style I love. I follow loads of interior design accounts on Instagram so I’m constantly inspired to decorate here at home. It’s not that great for my wallet, though!

When Leon was at nursery last Thursday I finally tackled the wardrobe in his room; it was here when we moved in and I recently got permission from the landlord to do whatever I wanted with it, so I took it apart and threw it out. It was old, the hinges had a screw missing, and there was an ugly hole in the side, so it had to go. At first I thought about painting it, but it would take more spray cans than was economic.

We’ll see how it all goes! xx

Early Sunday morning

My name’s Sabina and I’m mum to Leon, a cheeky little boy who recently turned one. Since he woke me up at 5.30 this lovely (read rainy!) Sunday morning, I thought I might as well use my time while he’s playing with his new toys (he had his first birthday party yesterday!) to get some writing in.

I miss writing. I used to write all the time! But then of course life got in the way. Priorities changed. Maybe this way I’ll get back to it!

I can hear the pitter patter of rain outside. We’ve had probably the last couple days of summer here and its been wonderful being outside, especially since we could have Leon’s party in the garden! I knew it wouldn’t last long, though, so I’m ready with wellies and rain pants for him. He just needs to take his first tentative steps without holding onto my finger! It’s not far off. At least I’d like to believe so.

Aaand now Leon’s found his way into one of the storage boxes in the living room. It’s full of unused cables and other bits and bobs; yarn, a hollow Easter egg, Instax mini cartridges, reflective accessories, etc. He loves chucking it all on the floor. Oh, and it’s right next to his toy box, but of course that’s not as much fun!

Better stop writing, Leon’s getting clingy and that means just one thing: he’s hungry. I’m gonna make him some toast with cheese. I’m lucky he’s such a good eater.